Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday: back home

Landed safely after two days travel! Our flight was delayed by 12 hours, so we ended up in a hotel in Nairobi for the night. Laura and Ollie were much more fortunate and had a good flight.

It's been a long couple of days and we are all very tired, but happy and had a fantastic time!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday: last day, last push!

Kitchen after painting
Common room, office block, bathrooms, conference room, dining room, kitchen and gardening finished (as much as we planned). It looks so different and everyone is very grateful! We are very tired, but it's been very satisfying to be part of this. A new kitchen has been put in, along with an electric cooker (once the electrics are connected!)

With kitchen fitted

We were visited by the staff from the Kayesa Inn who had a look at the work we had been doing. Everyone was so pleased with what had been achieved.

Just 24 hours travel to go... Hopefully!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday: bit of a surprise!

Took a drive into Lilongwe to see the markets. Everyone had a go at haggling - some more successful than others, though purchases were made!

From there we went to Lake Malawi for lunch and a swim, with a little more haggling on the way back. Nandos for dinner, then back to Kayesa and bed. An amazing day!

Thank you to Graeme

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Early start today. Finished painting in the kitchen, dining & conference rooms. Started on the admin block. Put mesh on children's windows, toilets and other windows. The local volunteers were working very hard alongside us.

Also, Ollie played football with the boys, Hayley & Laura started on cushions, Emily & Rach decorated Matron's office, Dean started on the washroom and Graeme & Kenrine spent the day sourcing equipment for the kitchen.

Finished late today!


Started painting in the kitchen, dining and meeting rooms. Also, second path dug, gravel arrived and mesh put on windows.

Went to see the work that the Army does with orphans and vulnerable children in Mchinji - very moving. They work with 200 children; many are AIDS orphans. The women who look after them have a banking/loan system with the Army which helps them set up small businesses, so they can buy school uniforms, pay school fees, etc.

Went to the project in the evening so kids could do paintings for their rooms.
We all left our mark that night!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Monday: a long, tiring day

Between us we shifted 1000 bricks to Matron's house ready for the building. We scrubbed Matron's house and then dug & laid a path. There wasn't just the eight of us working - we couldn't have done it without the THIRTY volunteers who turned up. They worked so hard, as did the kids when they got home from school.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday - an amazing day!

Morning worship at Mchinji Corps. Lunch was with approx. 100 community people - getting to know the people, and many have volunteered to come and help us tomorrow.

We had a lazy afternoon, playing cards on the porch, then over to the project to show the children DVD's the Army has made about child trafficking.

Start work tomorrow...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday Night

Started well with a fabulous meal. The team: Dean, Emily, Graeme, Hayley, Laura, Ollie, Rachel & myself went to the project to see the kids dancing. Everyone got involved dancing around the drums. The kids have so much energy - a wonderful experience!

Then back to the Inn to clean off the dust, and with mosquito nets secure - off to bed.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Safe arrival in Malawi

Arrived safely in Malawi after delays. Our first port of call was food and water, then to the Kayesa Inn by 13.00. Will see the project after freshening up, then a nights rest before tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mchinji... almost set!

Well, Rachel and I have commenced our packing. Our flights leave at 8pm on Friday and we arrive in Lilongwe, Malawi mid morning on Saturday. From there we will have a drive to the village of Mchinji and will have chance to look around and meet the kids and the staff before heading to the Kayesa Inn.

It's all coming very close and the time since July when we first agreed to get involved has flown by.

We hope to have brief updates most days to keep you informed. Thank you Mr K!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Mchinji Child Anti-Trafficking Project

On Friday 19th October 2007, Rachel and I will be going to Malawi to work with the Mchinji community to respond to the issue of child trafficking at the Zambia/Malawi border.

We will be there for 8 days and will be part of an 8 person team helping the staff at the project in very pratical ways. Such as landscaping, gardening, building and the finer art of curtain making etc.

On Sunday 21st we will be sharing in fellowship with the local Salvation Army church. this will be some experience! (Not quite the Rink)

Our accommodation for the week will be the Kayesa Inn. This is just opposite the childrens home and will make spending time with the kids very easy.

A week, whilst not very long, will give us an insight into the situations faced by children trafficked into slavery in Africa. It happens in the UK too ...

Our fundraising is going very well as we have so far been supported incredibly well.

A big thank you to:

Nick and Kara Lawson and

The Barkers, The Warleys & Scarborough Citadel Corps

John and Yvonne Turnbull

Sally and the Team at John Lewis (Oxford Street)

Sr Ellen and the staff at the Passage

For more information about human trafficking visit: